Monday, July 10, 2006

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Kay Gebhardt passed out song sheets ror a fireside Sing a Long. It was fun, but Kay did complain that everyone sang on a different key. Wow!! The party is always one of the highlights of the Lion's Club. Too bad, so many of you missed the great celebrfation. Posted by Picasa

Gathered around the open pit bonfire. Smoke was in the air when this shot was made.  Posted by Picasa

Kathie and Lou Leberti our generous and grascious hosts for this wonderful annual President's Party. Thanks a lot you guys.  Posted by Picasa

A closeup of Gary Pickett fwith his well earned Mytle wood plaque.  Posted by Picasa

They bury the hatchet (I mean fork) and Tom gives Ex Pres. Gary a beautiful commemorative Mytle Wood plaque.  Posted by Picasa

Tom Boynton is sworn in as our new President, armed with a Pitch Fork. Gary hated to give up hia psresidential power, but he had no choice. Great job, last year, Gary. Posted by Picasa

Lou arranged for a fishing boat to go by right in the middle of the swearing in ceremony. See the fishing boat and the Charleston Bridge in the open position.  Posted by Picasa

Dick Besser and his wife were in charge of 3 Steak Grill machines. The steaks were yummy, but Dick reported a low attendance this year and there were lots of steaks left over. The steaks were purchased from Day's Ship Supply. Posted by Picasa

Larry Reiber is not smiling, he is crying. Man that Fork really hurts.  Posted by Picasa

Sandy RReiber and Ron Metzger read tea leaves for the future of the club this coming year. Posted by Picasa

Donna, Jon Eck, Bernie Brown, Tom Boynton and last years Pres, Gary Pickett, discuss the passing of the pitchfork. Note the prizes on the chair.  Posted by Picasa

Donna Penny was in charge of the Swearing in ceremony for the new officers. The pitchfork served as a gavel and caught the new officers sharp attention.  Posted by Picasa

Ralph Sawyer and his lady friend finished their meal, sitting by the outdoor bonfire.  Posted by Picasa

Lou explains how the windy rough ocean made the crabbing tough. He also is bragging about the great Halibut fishing he has had this year.  Posted by Picasa

Don and Beverly Ryanb, Donna, Tom Boynton, pres. elect, and Stan Gibson, enjoy their steak in the sun.  Posted by Picasa

Dick Vigue, Norma and Dave Wood. They finished their steaks and now it is beer time.  Posted by Picasa

Maria and Marshall Wartnik were there. Maria could eat only 1/3 of her 20 oz. steak Doggy Bag, please.  Posted by Picasa

At Lou Leberti's Boat Shed in Charleston. Kay Gebhrdt proves we had unlimited Dungeness Crabs on hand, plus salad, beans etc.. This to be followed by 20 oz. T. Bone steaks Posted by Picasa